CRIMAC survey with G.O.Sars, 2022.11.27-2022.12.03. From Tromsø and Kvænangen to Lofoten, Vestrålen and Myre. We test new ideas and methods in using scientific echosounders and sonars to study fish. We study herring in Kvænangen fjord with broadband echosounders pointing downwards and sideways to port and starboard. We test and measure the size of fish directly from echosounder data. We test various aspects of broadband echosounder use on fish aggregations. We travel to Lofoten/Vestrålen to aid investigations by LoVe ocean observatory. We calibrate the LoVe node echosounder by help of G.O.Sars. We compare and test two types of acoustic water current measuring units (ADCP's). We calibrate one of them by driving the ship in tight circles.
CRIMAC survey with G.O.Sars, 2022.11.27-2022.12.03. From Tromsø and Kvænangen to Lofoten, Vestrålen and Myre. We test new ideas and methods in using scientific echosounders and sonars to study fish. We study herring in Kvænangen fjord with broadband echosounders pointing downwards and sideways to port and starboard. We test and measure the size of fish directly from echosounder data. We test various aspects of broadband echosounder use on fish aggregations. We travel to Lofoten/Vestrålen to aid investigations by LoVe ocean observatory. We calibrate the LoVe node echosounder by help of G.O.Sars. We compare and test two types of acoustic water current measuring units (ADCP's). We calibrate one of them by driving the ship in tight circles.
The first CRIMAC SFI scientific survey on broadband acoustics. G.O.Sars chasing after herring in Troms fjords (Kvænangen) and then into the open sea a third of the way to Iceland (I think herring got tired by that time, as did we).