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  • Rokas Kubilius
    Experiment setup in the Austevoll Research Station. The gimballed transducer rig (centre) was deployed by crane of a workboat (seen in the background). The transducer rig was deployed (and held) by four ropes to the depth of 22m inside the fish net pen (net dimensions 12x12x27m). The container office (left) houses the five EK80 transceivers, 12V batteries, and PC running the EK80 software.
  • Rokas Kubilius
    Austevoll Research Station
    2024.04.28 CRIMAC experiments in Austevoll Research Station. We prepare for a series of acoustic broadband echo measurements experiments on a caged population of salmon from small size to large (0,4kg to 3kg) over the season of 2024